Sunday, July 18, 2010

Indigo Bunting

Last spring and summer, I started seeing a little solid blue bird come to our feeders. He was pretty shy, so it took a couple of visits before I realized that he was an Indigo Bunting. I was so surprised that what I think of as an exotic bird would visit our feeder, I confirmed his identity with a quick email to the Cornell Lab. When I see him, I always feel like it's a little reminder to me that things in life are good. I just have to have the right perspective on life. I'm so glad he visits regularly, so I can have that reminder often!

Last week, I had a new surprise from the little bird. He brought his girl friend with him! I was able to get a very quick picture of her before she flew off. She looked right at me! It was quick and blurry, but I was so glad that I had my camera nearby. She is quite a looker!

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